Routine Appointments
You can book an appointment by calling the surgery on 020 3457 8727 or attend in person.
You can also contact us online using the contact us online portal.
You can download the NHS app at NHS App which allows you to book available GP appointments. This can be used to order repeat medication and view your GP record.
Here is a video about the NHS app: www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ublmf5wJs
When you try to book an appointment, you will be asked the nature of your problem so that the receptionist can book you the most appropriate appointment for your needs. We may also offer alternative service provides such as the Pharmacy, Eye Centre, Physiotherapy and Social Prescriber.
Arriving and checking in for your appointment
Please ensure that you arrive on time for your appointment as any lateness affects the smooth running of our clinics and delays the patients booked in after you. If you are more than 10 minutes late you will not be seen and will need to rebook your appointment.
Please note, if you have been waiting for more than 30 minutes to be seen, please double check with the reception staff that you are checked in and your Doctor or Nurse knows that you are waiting. Thank you.
Cancelling An Appointment
If you need to cancel an appointment please ring the surgery on 020 3457 8727.
It costs the NHS £100 if you miss your appointment and wastes the clinicians time and a waste of an appointment that could be offered to another patient.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Home Visits
Home visits are only offered to patients who are unable to get to the surgery for medical reasons, and whose condition is medically urgent.
Babies and children can usually be brought to the surgery even when ill and will always be fitted in quickly if necessary.
Chaperone policy
Leander Family Practice is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance.
There are occasions where there is the potential for abuse of a person placed in a vulnerable position.
This policy is designed to protect both patients and staff and to assist patients to make an informed choice about their examinations and consultations.
Patients are encouraged to ask for a chaperone if required at the time of booking appointment wherever possible.
All formal chaperones understand their role and responsibilities and are competent to perform that role.
Any member of staff who does not wish to be a chaperone has a right to decline without prejudice.